Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it

I have a really difficult time being around people who choose to live in the victim mentality. The ones who sit around and wallow constantly and complain about how no one ever does anything for them. How bad their life has been because of what others have done to them but yet they take no responsibility for the choices they made that landed them in the situations they have been in. It’s always someone else’s fault and never theirs. You know what I’m talking about. We all know these people whether they are friends or family members. This past weekend was a reminder of how so many people lost their lives in an instant and how so many people were left behind to carry on with their lives even with the void that was very present. I have never seen any of those people play victim and they had it rough. I’ve been there too. Life hasn’t been very kind to me but I never allowed myself to stay stuck or look at myself like a victim. I choose to look at everything as a lesson and used it to better myself as a human being. This past weekend, I overheard someone spend 20 minutes going through their victim rant. How no one ever did anything for them blah blah blah. I know this to be exactly the opposite. Many of us have done things but this person has yet to take any personal responsibility for their choices in life and instead continues to wallow in their victim mentality, not only to get attention from others but to try to make others look bad. That in my book is called manipulation. Yes, things happen in life that aren’t always good and sometimes we end up being the person things happen to. But every day is a brand new day to make a better life for ourselves. Sitting around complaining about things that have happened in the past is a waste of time and energy. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it. If someone wants to live in their victim mentality, they’re going to spend their entire life in misery. It is not our responsibility to save them. The work is on them and not us. It’s all about your mindset and how you choose to use your time and energy. If you’re looking for that better life, it’s up to you to make it happen and no one else.

Author: AuthorRobinCote

Author, Speaker, Radio Personality and Life Coach

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